Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Potfull of Praise

Each year I like to have a way for the class to work together as a whole class to earn something for their behavior.  For a few years I used a Compliment Clown.  It was great!!  Then, last year I changed my classroom theme to a "Kinder-garden" so I decided to use a flower pot and some flowers to keep with the theme.

At the beginning of the year we talk about compliments and praise and how we can give and receive it.  Then I show them the "Pot of Praise"  and explain/show them that if the class as a whole earns a compliment from an adult in the building, we get to add a flower to the pot.  We earn one flower for each child, so this year, 23.  Once the class earns all 23 flowers for the pot, then we get to celebrate.  At that point the class comes up with a few ideas for celebrations and votes on the one they would like.

It is a great way to get the class to work together and it works!  I can't imagine not including something like this in my classroom each year. 

:) Laura

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