Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kindergarten Playdates

Well, I'm certainly ready to head back to school.  I've done plenty of damage in the stores buying things to freshen up my classroom, wardrobe and home.  And I've had plenty of time to relax. Next on the list is setting up and organizing the classroom all while planning for the first weeks of school. 

Beginning tomorrow our new little kindergarteners will each come into school to meet individually with a k teacher for a few minutes.  This helps us to get a good idea of where each student is beginning the year.  What I am really excited about this year is that a good amount of the new cuties will already know my name and face.  Our fabulous PTA planned, scheduled and ran 4 kindergarten playdates on our school playground this summer.  And although, we don't have to attend, 3 out of our 6 k teachers attended them as well to get to know the kiddos.

What a great way for the kids, parents and teachers to meet eachother.  It is a completely casual "playdate".  Those children who come just run around on the playground with new friends, talking and playing, parents ease eachothers fears and air concerns, and teachers mill about talking to new little ones and their parents.  It's awesome!!

So, tomorow and Friday, I hope to recognize several little faces as well as have them recognize mine so that when I am "assessing", they will feel more at ease.


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