Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kindergarten Playdates

Well, I'm certainly ready to head back to school.  I've done plenty of damage in the stores buying things to freshen up my classroom, wardrobe and home.  And I've had plenty of time to relax. Next on the list is setting up and organizing the classroom all while planning for the first weeks of school. 

Beginning tomorrow our new little kindergarteners will each come into school to meet individually with a k teacher for a few minutes.  This helps us to get a good idea of where each student is beginning the year.  What I am really excited about this year is that a good amount of the new cuties will already know my name and face.  Our fabulous PTA planned, scheduled and ran 4 kindergarten playdates on our school playground this summer.  And although, we don't have to attend, 3 out of our 6 k teachers attended them as well to get to know the kiddos.

What a great way for the kids, parents and teachers to meet eachother.  It is a completely casual "playdate".  Those children who come just run around on the playground with new friends, talking and playing, parents ease eachothers fears and air concerns, and teachers mill about talking to new little ones and their parents.  It's awesome!!

So, tomorow and Friday, I hope to recognize several little faces as well as have them recognize mine so that when I am "assessing", they will feel more at ease.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Updating My Classroom Library

I've been looking at a lot of blogs the last few weeks and I'm amazed at how much space some people have for their classroom libraries.  While looking at the blog Clutter Free Classroom I was in awe at how much classroom space some teachers are able to set aside for the library.  So, I'm trying to find creative ways to fit more books into a small space with different types of shelving and/or organizational ideas. 

Since my classroom is pretty small, I use one of the corners for the classroom library.  Here is a picture of what it looked like last year.

There are a few built in shelves where I keep some books.  More are to the left of the pictured shelves. To the right, behind the chair is a big book stand.  This whole area obviously needs a face lift and more books (I have plenty, they're just stored and brought out at different times of the year)!

My plans: 
1. new baskets for books with new picture labels
2. a bench seat with shelving underneath for more books (to be placed where you see the pillows currently)
3. pillows and cushions on and around the bench
4. children's sized radio flyer wheelbarrow for "reading buddies" ( I have a garden theme in the room this year)
5. new green carpet (to look like grass)

I can't wait to get into my room and start redecorating my classroom library!  Will post pictures next week when it's finished!

Also, if you've never checked out Clutter-Free Classroom, it's a must see.  Lots of great ideas!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bye Bye Summer!

Wow!  What a great summer it's been.  I've been to NY, Canada, Austin TX, Detroit MI, and finally back home to MD.  Mostly visiting family and friends with a bit of relaxation interspersed.  Now with only 4 days left of my summer vacation, I'm slowly switching gears to a whole different kind of fun - kindergarten!  And what better way to get back into the swing of things than creating my own blog.  I am really looking forward to getting back into my classroom.  It's such a bummer that everything in my classroom is packed up in boxes right now since our school is used for summer school.  I always think it's going to take days and days and days to get it all back in order, but somehow, I'm always able to create a great learning environment in only 2 and a half teacher work days!  I can not wait to get into my room, especially after looking at everyone else's beautiful classroom pictures!  Teachers are such creative and organized people.  I am amazed everytime I browse the many teacher blogs out there.  Once I'm back in my room I will definitely be posting both some before and after pictures for you to see as well as a few back to school ideas.